Being Haitian American


Hey! I'm so glad that you are on this journey with me, and I hope you can take away something today. Where do I start? Ah, growing up Haitian. Well, it was an experience to say the least and the experiences will never be forgotten.  Anyway, I never thought I would be running my own business let alone making products that could possibly assist anyone embarking on their own spiritual journey. After all, I grew up Haitian and that meant no crystals, no astrology, no tarot cards, and absolutely no vodou! HA! I, however, had a fascination with them all but had to keep it hidden. If it wasn't church related it was satanic, but spirit has a way to call their children home. It took many years and I am still learning and will continue to learn about this sacred path.  

As a child my parents told amazing stories of how it was growing up in Haiti, and that kept me intrigued and wanting to know more. The stories were filled with fantasy, mystery, and love and sounded too good to be true. I walked away with curiosity and fear, but the curiosity overwhelmed my fears with each time. My Dad would start off with I remember when...and it was down hill from there. Almost all of the stories were filled with a mystery that no one could decipher, and I knew better not to ask questions. I've battled with this path back and forth for years not understanding that spirit was always with me trying to tell me to come home. I've realized that sometimes you have to go through the process alone to fully understand what you are called to do. What's that saying? A hard head makes a soft ass? Well, my ass is soft as a baby's bottom. Although my parents and I do not agree on a lot of things I still have an appreciation for how I was raised. After all, it's because of them I am where I am today. 

One thing about the Haitian culture is that it's enriched with resilient and beautiful people. I knew that one day I had to make it there so that I could walk through the dirt roads, touch the trees, and breathe in that air where freedom was fought for and prevailed over 200 years ago. (They did that!!) That resiliency pumps through my blood each and everyday.

With that being said, I say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read a little about my experiences growing up Haitian. 

Photo taken: Limonade, Haiti 

1 comment

  • Beautiful her-story! Thank you for sharing.


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